The school year is well underway and we've got updates to keep you motivated throughout the fall!
Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, there's always something new to discover at SchoolsPLP!
Fall 2024:
SchoolsPLP Support Staff Spotlight!
The Support Staff Spotlight showcases a team member who
helps YOU work faster and more efficiently inside SchoolsPLP!
This month's spotlight is on
Gracie Perez, Support Specialist and Special Projects Lead! Gracie is a graduate of the University of Houston where she earned her M. Ed in Education Psychology and Special Education.
She graduated Summa cum Laude from the University of Houston's QUEST program for mathematics educators.
Gracie spent over 12 years teaching in the classroom and as a virtual teacher for various schools including providing ESL support to children living in China!
Gracie has also used her
Special Education knowledge to work virtually with students with IEP's and provide those students with accommodations to be successful. Gracie has also dedicated her time to
GirlStart, a program designed to increase interest in STEM among young girls!
In her free time, Gracie enjoys working with rescue cats and is active in her community's trap neuter release program.
We are fortunate to have Gracie's dedication and vast educational knowledge on our SchoolsPLP team!
New SchoolsPLP Auto-Graded Course Catalog!
Our new SchoolsPLP Auto-graded course catalog is now available, easily identified by the S-AU course pills.
These courses offer the same engaging, multimedia lessons and guided practice found in our S-A catalog, with teacher-graded items hidden.
Teachers have ability to unhide assignments and graded activities whenever additional practice is needed. Explore our catalog to find the right balance of autonomy or teacher-graded assignments for your classroom needs!
Using the Communication Tools in SchoolsPLP!
Did you know there are nearly 13,000 people who receive Monday morning Pulse Reports from SchoolsPLP?
SchoolsPLP offers a robust suite of communication tools designed to keep parents, guardians, and students connected and informed.
Weekly student progress reports (Pulse Reports) automatically update parents and guardians
on their child’s academic standing. Educators can also use the SchoolsPLP
chat feature to deliver personalized feedback, allowing
students to receive immediate insights on their work. With
flexible notification settings, SchoolsPLP keeps everyone in the loop.
Review all of this and more
right here!
Answer Keys!
Answer keys for the teacher-graded assignments in our S-catalogs have been added.
These keys are thoughtfully organized and can be found hidden at the beginning of each unit in the course editor,
allowing teachers to quickly reference solutions as they evaluate student work. This setup not only saves time but also
helps streamline the grading process, ensuring consistent and accurate feedback for students across all units.
Simply access these resources when needed, and make grading a more efficient experience!
Want to learn more?
Contact us anytime for more information!
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