About Us

SchoolsPLP has been delivering a technology-based curriculum to schools for over 20 years.

SchoolsPLP was built on the dream ...

...that we could create a powerful LMS that would answer
YES to all of these questions:

  • Does this powerful LMS come with the best content? YES!
  • Do these courses allow me to customize content? YES!
  • Can I see all my students in one dashboard, regardless of curriculum?YES!
  • Can I use a different course design for intervention in this same system? YES!

Years before SchoolsPLP, our team sold and supported other companies’ tools for personalized learning, but grew tired of saying no to those important questions.

As a result, we stopped looking for products to sell and started looking for platforms to integrate. We created SchoolsPLP in order to bring powerful technical tools and rich curriculum options into one simple experience, improving the lives of online educators.

That dream became SchoolsPLP.
We continue to build
that dream today.

Prior to SchoolsPLP, administrators had to decide between purchasing: one curriculum that might meet most learning styles or multiple curricula to try to reach all learning styles.

SchoolsPLP solves this problem by bringing multiple curricula and instructional designs to a single easy-to-use interface.​

Teachers often share ideas and work together. Teachers also need more automation to reduce their workload. SchoolsPLP offers administrators control with an option for teacher customization.

The Derivative Course Structure gives teachers and administrators the flexibility to make curriculum and course decisions that reduce workload and make the most sense for their school.

SchoolsPLP offers multiple access options including use with other LMS's and Google Classroom. Watch this video to learn how to increase teacher adoption and simplify the setup process with student rostering and enrollment.​ ​